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What is VHG Group?

Petits Poussins Upper East Side is part of the VHG group Inc, early childhood language schools that represents a network of daycares/preschools in Manhattan and Brooklyn. Our schools welcome students from 6 weeks to 5 years old and our programs are designed to benefit from the strengths and assets of both French and American educational systems: Our bilingual programs (in French/English or in Spanish/English) combine the principles and curriculum of the French “Ecole maternelle” and “crèche” with the standards of the American pedagogy, to offer your children the best educational and stimulating age-appropriate programs.

How many children do you typically have in a classroom?

  • Infant: 8 infants/classroom
  • Toddlers: 10 toddlers/classroom
  • Preschool: 14 preschoolers/classroom

What is the ratio teacher/children?

  • Infant: 1/4
  • Toddlers: 1/6
  • Preschool: 1/7

Is it possible to enroll part time?

  • Especially given the current sanitary crisis, we give the priority to children who enroll full-time.
  • Part-time enrollment will be accepted upon availability only: There is no guaranty to allow an enrollment extension later in the school year.

Do you offer make up days?

No. We do not offer makeup days in case a child is absent, regardless of the reason of the absence (that includes sickness or family reason). There will be no makeup day in case of school closure, which may happen in case of inclement weather.

Is there a sibling discount?

Yes. There is a 10% discount for the enrollment of one sibling or more.

What is your refund policy?

  • The one-time/per family application fee is not refundable
  • In case of a withdrawal, the one-month deposit will be used as a payment of the last monthly tuition. There is no additional withdrawal fee.
  • In case a child withdraws in the middle of a month, there will be no prorated refund for the unattended days.

What to bring on the first day of class? (Preschool Students)

Everything must be labelled with the child’s name:

  • Indoor shoes (slippers closed in the back, sneakers, sandals closed in the back)
  • Blanket and “doudou” (favorite plush toy if the child has one) in a LARGE Ziploc bag
  • Two full set of change of clothes (this set should be changed and appropriate for each season)
  • Lunch box (on a daily basis) with enough food for lunch, morning and afternoon snacks. Warm food should be heated and packed in a Thermos. We are not allowed to heat any food at school.
  • Family picture of your child which will be placed in his/her cubby

What to bring on the first day? (Infant/Toddler Students)

Everything must be labelled with the child’s name:

  • Diapers/wipes
  • Bottles/Milk/Breast Milk
  • Lunch box (on a daily basis) with enough food for lunch, morning and afternoon snacks. Warm food should be heated and packed in a Thermos. We are not allowed to heat any food at school.
  • Indoor shoes (slippers closed in the back, sneakers, sandals closed in the back)
  • Blanket and “doudou” (favorite plush toy if the child has one) in a LARGE Ziploc bag
  • Two full set of change of clothes (this set should be changed and appropriate for each season)
  • Family picture of your child which will be placed in his/her cubby

Is there a transition phasing period for new students?

The first week of school, will be a phasing period. Children who are acclimating well and quickly will be able to stay for a longer period. However, we encourage all new families to follow the transition period as it makes a difference for the long-term integration of the child.

  • First day of school: 8:30 am to 11:30 am. Pick up at 11.30 AM or earlier if the child is having a difficult morning.
  • Second day of school: 8:30 am to 11:30 am. Pick up at 11.30 AM or earlier if the child is having a difficult morning.
  • Third and fourth day of school: 8:30 am to 2 pm (Full Time students) or 3pm (Full Time + enrichment students). Pick up at 2 PM for Full Time students only, 3 PM for students enrolled in the Full Time + Enrichment Program.
  • Fifth day of school: First full day for children who have transitioned well. Otherwise, same schedule as Thursday.

Are early or late Arrival or Departure allowed?

We do exceptionally but please give us a call or send an e-mail. Or else, you can let us know that morning or the night before.

May another family member or friend pick up the child?

We cannot allow any child to leave with anyone except the person(s) on your child’s release form, unless you contact us through our communication app, or send us an Email in the morning. We will request a State photo I.D from this person. In the case an “unauthorized” person comes for pick up, we will contact you directly to get your verbal approval. In the case we cannot reach you, the child will not be released to that person. Late fees will still apply if the child is picked up late.

What is the Code of Conduct?

Yes. All students and parents are expected to follow a code of conduct that fosters a safe environment for all.

  • Absence of verbal abuse
  • Respect for human dignity
  • Absence of threat of injury
  • Absence of sexual harassment
  • Respect for individual/group health and safety
  • Adherence to laws pertaining to weapons, alcohol, and drugs
  • Honesty, integrity in all endeavors and situations
  • Respect for individual/group diversity and privacy
  • Respect for personal/private property

What is the discipline policy?

We utilize positive reinforcement and guidance techniques so that children are provided with a safe, happy, comfortable environment. The purpose of discipline is to help children develop self-control, and to teach children that each person is responsible for his own actions. Our team is responsible for making sure our students grow and learn to get along comfortably with others.

When discipline is necessary it will be carefully applied so that the child still feels that he is an important and worthwhile person. Children will be handled lovingly and at no point will be isolated from the classroom or his/her classmates.

Illness and sick policy (**Subject to periodic change according to DOH guidelines**)

Sick children will not be accepted into school. If a child was sent home on Wednesday because they were ill, then they will not be able to return for 24 hours or 72 hours in some cases (i.e Fever and vomiting/diarrhea).
Fever of 100.4 degrees or more
We do not allow the child to return to school until he/she has been free of fever for 72 hours
When occurs, keep your child home until he/she can keep food down for 72 hours. Runny or watery stools or 2 or more looser stools within last 4 hours.
Child may return 6 days after all the blisters are scabbed over.
Pink eye
If the eye discharge is thick and white or yellow, the child should stay home until the discharge has stopped.
Child may return 24 hours after the start of antibiotic medication. Child will need a physician’s permission to return to class.
Strep throat
Child may return 24 hours after antibiotics and a physician has given permission to return
to class.
Common cold
The child will be kept home until feverless for 24 hours but may return to school with a slightly runny nose and cough.
Child should stay home if symptoms are acute, and fever is above 100.4 degrees (child
should be fever-free for 72 hours).
A child whose only complaint is headache usually does not need to be kept at home. However, when a bad headache follows a fall or a blow to the head, your doctor should be contacted.
A child will not be accepted with a rash unless a doctor writes a note confirming that it is safe to do so and that the child is not contagious.
Sore throat
If a child complains of a sore throat and has no other symptoms, he/she may go to school, but not if white spots and/or red throat and swollen glands can be seen in the back of the throat.
When children become ill at school, the parents will be contacted and asked to pick up their child. If the parents are not available, the emergency contact will be called.

Are you allowed to administer medications at school?

Petits Poussins Upper East Side is not permitted to administer any medication.

Exceptions can be made for allergies and asthma, upon a “Standing order” received from the Pediatrician required in order to administer an Epi-Pen, Benadryl, or any Asthma medication.

Do you accept children without immunization?

No. New York City and State Law requires that all children be immunized against various childhood diseases. Immunization forms are updated every fall and are checked yearly by the State Health Department. Failure to have necessary immunizations will result in exclusion from school.

Does the child need to be Toilet-Trained?

Preschool: Yes. All children at the Preschool level should be toilet-trained and wearing underwear. Diapers are not an acceptable choice for school, however, students who are transitioning (early twos) may wear pull-ups to facilitate the transition to the potty.

Infant/ Toddler: If the child starts in our infant/toddler program, we will work together with families to help potty train the toddler so that he/she may be ready for pre-school.

Do you go to the Playgrounds?


  • 95º and Above Limited time, quiet activities
  • 90º – 95º 10-15 Minutes
  • 32º – 90º Unlimited time
  • 20º – 32º 10-15 Minutes
  • 10º – 20º 5 Minutes
  • 10º and Below WE DO NOT GO OUTSIDE

Do you celebrate Birthdays?

We are happy to! If a family wishes to celebrate a child’s birthday with her/his classmates and teachers, we will use the (9:10am) or afternoon snack (2.45 PM) to do so. Parents can send nut free cupcakes/cakes at the school, but no candies, no sweets, or goodies.