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Elements of an Effective Childhood Education


The first five years are the most crucial ages of child development. It is only natural for parents to provide their kids with the best early childhood education possible. Although daycare centers are not considered formal schools, these institutions are integral in developing important skills regarding the emotional, social, and cognitive aspects. You might be wondering how to choose a suitable daycare center for your child. Listed below are some of the elements that make up an effective childhood education:

  • A childcare service in New York should have a fun and stimulating environment. Minimizing or, if possible, eliminating the sources of stress accompanied by consistent monitoring is effective in the growth of a child. Children are encouraged to interact with their peers through play. In this way, interpersonal skills such as sharing, communicating, taking turns, and negotiating are practiced and nurtured.
  • A reliable family daycare in West Harlem, New York prepares the child for formal schooling. Children are not expected to read and write before kindergarten. However, daycare centers foster literacy skills in kids by exposing them to books, rhymes, songs, and spoken language. This type of program serves as the foundation for phonetics, phonemics, number awareness, sensory and spatial awareness, movement, music, and arts.
  • Daycares that adopt a flexible curriculum caters to a child’s progress, changing needs, and shifting interests. This is possible when the educator observes a child’s current knowledge, skill level, and interests.

Looking for a cost-efficient and reliable childcare service in West Harlem, New York? Look no further because we at Petits Poussins ensure a quality and safe environment for your little ones. Give us a call or send us an email for inquiries and admissions. We are open on weekdays from 8 am to 6 pm.

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