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How Reading Can Help Children Learn A Second Language


Learning to read is a crucial skill that can open up new avenues of thought and expression for kids in their early childhood education.

It’s possible to pick up basic or humorous words in a foreign language that you can use in your everyday speech. It’s the same when children practice reading, too.

Regardless of their pace, reading can provide more language development, as children learn more sentences, grammar, and new vocabulary per minute than watching a TV show or learning a song.

In addition, reading aloud to your kids in your home language can help them learn to read in a second language, like French, far more quickly than kids who aren’t read to in their native language.

In other words, if you help your child become literate in English, they’ll have a leg up when it comes time to learn to read and write in French.

However, learning reading and a second language is about more than just having a skilled teacher; it’s also essential having a pleasant environment and a strong support network.

Fortunately, Petits Poussins is a reliable family daycare in West Harlem, New York, that can aid in your child’s development and educational journey for the future. Let us nurture your child’s love of learning today!

Our childcare service in New York includes a bilingual curriculum, which allows your kids to learn English and French with our professional teachers. Contact us to learn more about our programs.

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