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How To Nurture Your Child’s Love Of Learning


Children have a natural curiosity that drives them to explore their surroundings and learn everything they can. However, childcare education research organization claims that the pleasure of learning will be lost. Children may stop enjoying learning new things and detest going to school for unknowable reasons.

We can help, thanks to our family daycare in West Harlem, New York. There are easy-to-implement but powerful techniques you can use to foster your child’s love of learning.

First, aid your youngster in identifying their interests and areas of interest. Give kids a variety of experiences and exciting hands-on learning opportunities. Make sure their early childhood education is enjoyable and exciting.

Second, it’s crucial to serve as positive role models for the kids in our care as a childcare service in New York. So, as a parent, set an example for your child by sharing your passions and interests. Tell them why learning is enjoyable.

Thirdly, discover your child’s learning preferences. Don’t waste your time or effort. Petits Poussins makes sure to watch and note the child’s preferred learning style. Each youngster has a unique manner of learning.

Last but not least, do your best to respond when the child asks you a question or shows interest in anything. Make your discussions enjoyable rather than a dry lecture. A child has a short attention span, so keep that in mind. Therefore, you can’t expect them to put up with tedious lectures. Additionally, be more encouraging and supportive, and set reasonable expectations.

Learn more about how we can support you and your child’s learning journey. Visit our website to learn more about us. If you would like to talk to us, you may schedule an appointment.

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